"When it rains it pours." Just because it's a nasty, rainy day outside doesn't mean you have to feel icky or down. Remember that the rain waters our gardens, fills up our lakes, ponds, rivers, and creeks. Rain washes away the dirt and allows the earth to be watered. On a rainy day I like to stay in (if I don't have to work) stay in my pjs, drink a hot cup of joe, and read my bible. God's word is life unto me. It refreshes me like an afternoon shower on a hot day. It's so wonderful how God sends the natural rain and the spiritual rain. He is ALMIGHTY & FAITHFUL. The Holyghost is the RAIN! So let's open our hearts by praying and asking God to break up the fallow ground of our hearts and pour down the latter rain! :) I pray that whoever reads this bloggy will feel the refreshing of the rain of the Holyghost. SEND DOWN THE RAIN, LORD!
Rainy days.......Stevie.
Love it!