Wednesday, February 23, 2011

No Worries, Just Love!

Worrying gets us nowhere. When we worry about things it puts stress on us, and stress is not good for our health or other people around us. It's so hard for me to grasp this concept though. It's like I fret over the smallest things and then they become huge things in my life. I shouldn't allow the little things to become so big. Someone once told me "Don't sweat the small stuff."  That's so much easier said than done. I have learned in my life, when I began to worry, I put it into God's hands, and let Him be God of my life and control the things I cannot. I cast all of my cares on Him for HE CARES FOR ME. He never intended for me to carry the load of worry, guilt, shame, or anything else negative. He bore my sins and pain. And, he is the ONLY one who can. He's the only person in this life that I absolutely can't live without. His love is all that I NEED. Of course we all need the bare necessities, but without God's love I'd be a person most miserable. So if you are a worry-wart like me, take comfort in knowing that we don't have to be that. We can live a worry free life, when we give it all to the King of Kings, Jesus Christ! :)
No worries, Stevie

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy 21st Birthday Liz!!

I want to wish my lovely littlest sister Elizabeth Ann a HAPPY and BLESSED Birthday! She's 21 years young today! I love her so much, words cannot be found to describe how much I really do love her. I admire the strength that God has given her. She is so talented, intelligent, loving, brave, true, and gorgeous. She is the bestest littlest most baby sister anyone could ever ask for. I'm so proud and blessed to be her big sister. Liz and I have a special bond, we always have. It's an unspoken heart string that is just "there". When we hang out together I feel complete. It's like the other part of me is fulfilled. I LOVE YOU BABY SISTER! YOU ARE #1! Robinson Girls FOREVER! :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

UI am my beloved’s & beloved is mine U

I absolutely LOVE Valentine's Day....hahaha! It's a day set aside to show your loved ones just how much you really value and appreciate all they do for you. I think it's awesome that we have a day dedicated to manifesting and proving our love to each other. I wish everyday was Valentine's Day. Actually it should be!! We should show everyone that we come in contact with how much God loves them. He loves them so much that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life John3:16.  I think it's just amazing love that the Father gave us such pure, wonderful, precious love. I could never thank Him enough for all He's done for me. I mean we have a book of love letters written to us from our King of Glory, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. He's the man of all time, the one, the only that can give us such great, amazing LOVE!!!!! I can't put into words the awesomeness of how His love makes me feel or understand fully how he could love me so much. I feel so unworthy to have this priceless pearl of great price. :) Amazing LOVE I know is true, it's my joy to honor you, in all I do, I honor you. It wasn't nails that held Jesus to the cross, it was HIS LOVE FOR US that made Him pay the cost. Oh how the angels must have cried watching helpless as he died, to bring us love, perfect love, HIS KIND OF LOVE.
Love, hugs, and kisses, Stevie

PS. I have a post that has a lot of scripture on love:"Let it go!" LOVE unconditionally!